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Transformation Page 27

  Weed bent over the thick smoke that streamed up from the burning leaves. He inhaled and instantly started to hack and cough. When he looked up his face and beard were wet the tears that rained down from irritated eyes, but he was smiling.

  “You mind rolling me one?” Ron asked. “I’ve never learned.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think there’s enough for both of us,” Weed belly laughed. “I’ve never felt so shitty but been so happy.”

  “I just feel shitty,” Ron said.

  Weed rolled and handed Ron a joint along with his fire stick.

  “Well Ronnie, now for the hard part. We have to truck out as much of this as we can and not get killed.”

  “Yeah, I was thinking about that. Maybe we should go get a bigger vehicle, a truck or something.”

  “Fuck. We can get an eighteen wheeler,” Weed slapped his leg and grinned.

  “Maybe so. Do some scavenging on the way back home.” Ron was serious about hunting for supplies but the area around the garage still had a lot of food on shelves and in pantries. He wanted to get back home as soon as possible, but also dreaded it.

  “Yeah.” Weed rolled up on one elbow. “Say Ron. You like eggs?”

  “Yeah sure.”

  “Man, I love eggs. It occurred to me we can get some chickens. Let’em fuck or whatever so they start shitting out eggs.”

  “Yeah, we need some fucking chickens,” Ron smiled at the old man’s colorful way of speaking.

  “So, how many people were on the compound? Did you get a good look around?”

  “Well I think there were sixteen including Gay Hitler, as I like to call him. I can tell you that seven of them are dead. Out of the nine left, maybe three of them looked to be a threat. They all had guns and knives coming out their asses.”

  “Well, how big is this farm? Are there roads into it from another direction?”

  “From what I know, this place is huge. Thousands of plants on a few hundred acres. Not the biggest farm, but still big. We need to take a walk around the fields. The more I think about it, there has to be a another way in and out. The size of this place, there needs to have a warehouse, storage sheds, all kinds of shit.”

  “Maybe a truck too. They had to move the stuff.”

  “True, brother, true.” Weed nodded and held his shrinking joint up with a big grin on his face. “Farm fresh.” He laughed a bit too much at his own joke and Ron laughed just as hard.

  “I think I’ll be ready soon to start walking. I am getting pretty high.”

  After a leisurely hour, the two rose, Ron first. He offered a hand to Francis and helped him to his feet.


  They walked for a while, following the clear line between natural foliage and cultivated plant. They went up and over small rises in the terrain, down the same, and up again. At the top of one of the many little rises Weed stopped. Ron pulled up next to him.

  “Look over there. You see something? My eyes suck.”

  Ron shielded his eyes with one hand and squinted. He could clearly see a building with a fenced yard around it. There was another building closer to them but harder to see as it was painted in waves of black and dark greens to camouflage it. The fields ended close to it.

  “Yeah, a few hundred yards and we get to a couple of buildings.”

  “Let’s get on then.” Weed walked faster than he had in days.

  The plants stopped, replaced by several rows of another crop neither man recognized. Some squat fruit or nut tree. They were approaching the buildings, the rearmost warehouse that was camouflaged was just ahead. It was larger than it looked from afar. They approached slowly, cautiously. Weed held up a hand.

  “We need to be careful now. We don’t know who might be in them buildings.”

  “Or what,” Ron said as he pointed to a small opening in the rear of the building.

  “Yeah. These types always keep some big old pissed off dogs around.”

  The door was large for a dog door and the frame was badly shredded on both sides. Ron assumed from a chained dog running in and out of the building.

  It was still early afternoon as the two men walked softly to the rear of the building. Weed stood back from the small door. He whispered to Ron.

  “Don’t crowd in behind me in case I have to get the hell out of there fast.” He dropped to his knees and stuck his head in the hole. After a moment, he crawled forward into the small black doorway.

  Ron kept watch, surveying the area as he waited for Francis. After less than a minute passed he started to wonder when he should check on the old man. But it was soon after he heard Francis whisper from the little door.

  “It’s clear.”

  Ron felt himself relax, wasn’t even aware he had been tense, and then crawled in after him.

  The warehouse was largely empty, but it was clear it was the place where plants were processed and dried and bundled for sale. Amongst the gear, Weed noticed a few machines. They were large but simple contraptions and it was apparent that some were designed to compact materials like bark and mulch into cubes, another was for bagging the stuff.

  “Look at this poor bastard.”

  Weed was standing over a dead dog. From the looks of it, the poor thing was left chained in the warehouse and starved to death.

  “Good news is . . . “ Weed opened a large garbage can several yards away. He scooped out a handful of dog food.

  “I’ve eaten worse,” he said as he tossed a few nuggets into his mouth and started crunching.

  “I’m not complaining,” Ron said as he did the same. “I have to say, this is pretty tasty.”

  Weed lit another joint and ate some more kibble.

  “This is gourmet! Especially with the case of munchies I got,” Weed said as he crunched on nuggets with gusto.

  Ron walked around the warehouse a bit. He came across a spigot in the wall and turned it. Water gushed from it. He got on all fours and drank from the flow, letting it wash over his head. He thought he heard yelling and cut the water. It was Francis.

  “… or is that a horse taking a piss?”

  “Over here,” Ron yelled and was instantly aware of the noise they were making. He walked towards the sound of Francis’ voice and met the old man halfway.

  “Water,” Ron pointed.

  But Weed hobbled past him and was on his knees, drinking and sputtering. When he was done he stood up, dripping like a wet dog.

  “Much needed.” Was all Francis said as the two walked towards the front of the warehouse.

  The place had clearly been there for decades. The large double doors at the front of the building sat partially opened. They slid sideways on tracks and the gap between them was a good three feet. Outside were a few vehicles, one a large flatbed truck. Ron raised an eyebrow at Francis who simply smiled.

  They were cautious as they crossed the space between the old warehouse and the front building. The back door was locked. The door looked ancient, but the padlock on it was new. Weed kicked the door and the latch and lock ripped out of the wood with little effort. The door split and almost fell off its hinges as it flew inwards.

  They entered one large room. This room was beyond cluttered and was stacked high with boxes, trunks, and suitcases. There was also a small space towards the front door that was an office and living quarters. Ron wandered over to the desk.

  “Hey Francis, look at this.” There was no reply. Ron turned to look at Francis.

  The old man was still looking over the mounds of boxes and junk that filled a great part of the large space. He stood still hands on his hips. When he turned he had an expression that scared Ron. Francis looked disturbed and whatever could disturb the old biker had to be something significant.

  “What is it?” Ron approached the old man and it occurred to him he might be having a stroke.

  Weed pointed back over his shoulder. “God knows I’ve seen some bad shit in my time. I killed many a man, but this…”

  Ron looked past Francis and
still he didn’t see it. Francis saw it in his face.

  “All this Ron.” He motioned around the room. “All this shit is from travelers, lots of them I’m guessing.”

  It hit Ron like a bucket of ice water. All the suitcases, the scattered backpacks, a pile of wallets, a box of cellphones. On the desk were boxes of rings and jewelry, watches, eyeglasses. But most horrible among all the items were the child seats piled in one corner. There were at least thirty of them.

  Ron felt sad, angry, but mostly he was frightened that the sick individual, or individuals, responsible for this was still around.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Ron whispered.

  “Don’t have to tell me twice,” Francis was heading to the door.

  “Wait.” Ron went to the desk. He hated the idea of touching anything in the place but he thought he might have found the keys to the big truck out back. He held them up to Francis as he walked past him in a rush to vacate the place.

  “GMC truck. GMC key.”

  Before they started the truck, the two sat for a moment of silence. Ron had no idea what Francis was thinking, but in balance to all the cold-blooded killing he’d done, he was truly upset by the apparent evidence of multiple families meeting a horrible end.

  Finally Francis turned the key. The truck started easily and it was loud, especially given the silent state of the world.

  “We don’t know who heard that. We have to move fast.” Weed put the truck in gear. He sped forward, turned right around a few telephone poles laying across the dirt lot, and down a narrow dirt road towards the crops. He was passing the warehouse when he spotted what he really wanted the most. He slammed on the brakes and the truck slid in the mud.

  Ron was thrown against the dash. “What the hell?” he snapped at Francis.

  Old Francis had found rows of plants potted and ready for replanting in the fields. He hopped from the truck and grabbed a pot from the table.

  “Ronnie, get up on the bed.”

  Ron took the pots from Francis and lined them up.

  “We’re in business, Ron.” Weed was winded sweating, but he was a man on a mission.

  Ron lined up a good twenty plants before they quit.

  “OK, I want to get a bunch of the harvested stuff over there. It’s dry and a lot lighter. We can pack it down.”

  They walked back towards the fields where plants had been partially harvested, or neglected, and were dried out. Weed was thinking about the best way to gather it all up for transport.

  “Maybe we can find a tarp or something. Fill it up, tie it up.”

  Ron was looking around for twine or rope. He was going to head back to the camo building. Surely there would be something there.

  With a crack the ground gave way and Ron’s foot dropped into a hole up to his knee. A mechanical clank followed and Ron screamed in pain.

  Weed clamped his hand over Ron’s mouth.

  “Ronnie, hush. I’ll get you out of this.”

  Tears ran down Ron’s contorted face. He nodded his head in response. He involuntarily moaned and grunting with the effort to suppress his screams. He grabbed and squeezed his leg above the knee.

  “Can you pull your foot out?”

  Ron shook his head no.

  Weed laid on the ground and cleared the debris away.

  “Fuck!” he said under his breath. He looked up at Ron with a sadness in his eyes. He didn’t know what to tell the man. He thought he could light him up a joint to help with the pain.

  Ron was sweating, feeling sick, going into shock. His expression was one of pleading, begging Francis for help.

  Just as Weed finished rolling the joint he heard the sound of gravel crunching, heard an engine revving as a vehicle sped up the nearby road. He turned to Ron, eyes wide.

  “Don’t leave me,” Ron whispered, teeth clenched against the pain. “Don’t leave.”

  “I have to or we both die, but here this might help you through it.”

  The engine cut off and doors slammed. More than one door slammed Weed noticed as he jogged to safety.


  They never found a vehicle so Sal and Eddie walked all night. They began to see the dead lying about everywhere, motionless. It was creepy. Sal was afraid they would all start to stand up at once. But he kept moving on.

  “I’m so tired,” Eddie whispered.

  “We can’t stop.”

  “I’m not asking to, just saying . . . “

  Sal grunted. He was tired too. “Maybe we can duck in somewhere for five minutes, and try to find something to eat.

  They’d been walking through the typical San Jose landscape; strip malls, businesses, wide streets and medians. They came to an intersection that was quiet and stopped at a convenience store. It had been busted into but looked to still have a good deal of stuff in it.

  They each grabbed a handful of food and some bottles of water and went out to the parking lot. They sat on the hood of a car and ate, drank, said nothing for a long while. Eddie spoke first.

  “It seems only bad people survived.”

  “You’re not the first who noticed that. I wonder if it’s true or if the good people are just in hiding.”

  “I hope my mom’s in hiding.” Eddie was looking at his feet.

  Sal was glad Eddie couldn’t see his face for it was surely a mask of pity and doubt. Chances were his mom was dead.

  “You’ll be welcomed at our place. You’d like it there.”

  “Lots of video games, huh,” he said sarcastically.

  “Actually, yeah.”

  “Need electricity for that. You got electricity?”

  “And hot water.”

  Eddie looked up with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, but then he looked away.

  “You’re lying. Just like everyone else.”

  “You’ll see. We have a guy with us that has gotten us electricity, hot water . . . it’s actually really nice.”

  “Must be. We lived like cavemen. Fires in the middle of the mall, cooking rats and dogs, whatever they could catch. Everybody stinks.”

  “Well, better get going,” Sal stood and stretched a little, but it pulled on his wounds and he grimaced.

  “Yeah, play all those video games.”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Soak in the hot tub.”

  “I didn’t say anything about a hot tub, and we better be quiet now. We’re pretty close.”


  A giant of a man with a shock of greasy red hair and dressed in mute colors watched the escaped guy and the little Asian kid, Eddie, walk away. He didn’t see the pretty lady, the only one he cared about. He hoped these two would lead him to her. He rubbed the scars on his temples and shut his eyes. The headaches were getting worse. He turned and walked back to the other three in his group.

  “OK. They are on the move. Let’s go.” His eyes were dead, flat, and expressionless. They were under a prominent brow that shadowed them and added to their dead affect. His nose was large and his bottom lip a fat slug that hung down and made him a mouth breather by design. And he was huge, a thick mountain of muscle with a generous layer of fat.

  The other three individuals rose and grabbed their crude weapons, a bat and stick were among them. Two women and a man. The man tried to walk next to Sherm as the four of them set out into the dark.

  “You think they found the girl?” It was Choco, short for Chocolate. He earned his nickname due to his preferred medium when drawing on walls. He was an older man, short and skinny. What little hair he had left on his head was slicked back and greasy. He sported a moustache, a poor attempt at a Salvador Dali.

  “Shut up, and get the hell away from me.” Sherm stopped rubbing his temples to glare at Choco. He wrinkled his nose. Choco always stank, worse than your average asylum inmate. Sherm continued his self-massage. As bad as Agnews was, at least they had meds that kept the pain away.

  Sherm was big so no one messed with him, but before that . . . He’d been in the asylum for years. At first he was
on the bottom of the pile literally and in every other sense of the word. It wasn’t until recently he’d started to standup and fight back. When he did, everyone backed down, even the administration. He may have been confined for life to that shithole but that didn’t mean he couldn’t make it a nicer place for himself. He was given (most would say took) freedom and privileges that the other patients didn’t have.

  He stopped and squeezed his eyes tight for a moment to let the worst of the pain pass. Everyone knew to stop and remain quiet until he started walking again. But Matilda could barely contain herself and started up the second Sherm’s foot moved.

  “Sherm? Ah, Sherm?” Matilda was skinny, frizzy haired, eyes like saucers, and loyal as a dog to Sherm. He’d abuse her, berate her, let her take the blame for any trouble pointed his way. He even came close to killing her a few times. But Matilda was like a puppy. He kept walking and didn’t give her a second glance.


  She smiled at the attention. “I have to pee.”

  “Why didn’t you . . . forget it. Go now.”

  She walked off to find a place to relieve herself. Sherm stopped her.

  “No, here.”

  “Right here?” Matilda looked amused, not offended or scared. She didn’t wait for an answer. As she looked at Sherm and smiled, she dropped her pants and squatted. She started urinating.

  “Just like a dog,” Sherm mumbled. Choco giggled. Sherm looked annoyed at this.

  “You are a dog too. Squat.”

  “I don’t have to go,” Choco whined at Sherm.

  “You better.”

  Nancy, the other woman stood firm and quiet with her arms folded and looked at Sherm as if daring him to say something to her. A thin but muscular woman, short grey hair and a scar across her chin, she wasn’t a former inmate. She was a former staff member, and one of the few that survived when the inmates started to escape. She actually helped them get out. She had another scar, a long jagged one along her side that few had ever seen, but everyone knew the story.

  Choco smiled and held his hand up. “Look Sherm, I did it.” His long nails were dirt traps, and they shook as he held his open hand towards Sherm as proof.